Pain. Vin. Fromages (4e)

The aromas coming from Pain. Vin. Fromages, while literally about 1/2 a block away, are especially captivating and tempting to say the least. In fact, this is how I found the cosy family-style restau (as the French call restaurants) owned by two brothers in the Marais quarter.

I had just left La Niche pet shop across the street from BHV, in search of new sweaters for Zoë, my little Yorkie who loves traveling to Paris. Walking in the direction of Pompidou Centre, I smelled the enticing fragrances of wine and cheese and in that moment, I knew this was definitely my kind of neighborhood.

While this isn’t necessarily a wine bar per say, I couldn’t help but to make mention of this place, simply due to the brilliant pairings of French wines from regions such as Burgundy, Loire, and Languedoc-Rouissillon, together with fine cheese delicacies- fondue, raclette (melted cheese scraped onto a plate of potatoes), tartiflette (dish made with potatoes, cheese, bacon and onions), and bien sûr, cheese plates specially prepared by a master cheesemaker. 

So if you love cheese and if you love wine, Pain. Vin. Fromages is definitely a must. But be sure to make reservations because spaces fill up like crazy!

Pain, Vin, Fromage

3, Rue Geoffroy-l’Angevin, 75004 Paris

Métro stop: Rambuteau


Compagnie des Vins Surnaturels (6e)


Willi’s Wine Bar (1er)