Are You Passport Ready?
Imagine that you have your booking confirmation, your new crossbody travel bag from Amazon, you’ve already broken in your new walking shoes, and you’ve even managed to fit everything inside your suitcase and you’re ready to go. You’re at the airport check-in on the day of departure to Paris and your boarding pass is denied. Yikes! The airline agent tells you that unfortunately, it is not possible to issue a boarding pass without a valid passport. Rather than making your way to the TSA security checkpoint, you find yourself heading to the ride share area for the next Uber or Lyft back home. Here’s how to avoid this happening to you!
How to apply for a U.S. passport
Fill out the pre-application form here.
Gather the proper citizenship documents (e.g. original birth certificate or proof of U.S. citizenship).
Have your government issued photo ID (e.g. driver’s license).
Have photo copies of the documents/ ID’s mentioned above.
Get a passport photo taken within the last 6 months. My go-to places are Walgreens and CVS.
Book your in-person appointment by contacting one of the local passport facilities here. Be sure to bring everything listed above with you on the day of your appointment.
Pay the fees.
Renewals follow a similar process except that the application can be submitted by mail if your status meets certain criteria. Find out how to renew here.